This summer I had the opportunity to visit the Grand Canyon. You might have already read about it in my previous post, but that was more on the artistic side with few editorial pictures and this one is purely travel. I loved, loved, loved this place! Such a feeling of freedom. Maybe merely for me, because I hate – or at least find them very boring and more old-fashioned: rules, laws, restrictions, limiting beliefs and dogmas of any kind, which is more of a belief turned into a value. That’s why I often feel caged in in our modern society. It’s a double standard how it can be so innovative and fast forward yet at the same time lacking integrity in terms of being judgmental and prejudiced and not looking outside of the box when it comes to making decisions. In Germany they say “what the farmer doesn’t know the farmer ain’t gonna eat” Hahaha
So basically what I do like is all kind of distractions from this bias society every now and then, not seeing 90 degree angles anywhere you look. Maybe next time I find myself in the middle of a jungle, who knows, also always a surprise for myself, too 😉
Those were the reasons why I liked this place so much, let’s admit it, I’m a sucker for everything different. Enjoy the pics!